Savings & Investments
There are many reasons why you may want to set up a structured plan for your savings or you may be lucky enough to have a lump sum to invest.
For example, planning to buy your first home or a car.
You may need to build up a fund to cover school fees or university costs for your children, or simply want to have money for a rainy day.
Perhaps you have inherited a lump sum or have been paid a bonus at work.
Whatever your needs Abbey Financial Services will give you independent advice to ensure you select a savings product or develop an investment plan which suits your individual situation.
We take the time and care to understand your needs now and in the future. Our independent status means that we consider products from the whole of the market place.
We call it “Handheld Financial Solutions”.
Unlike savings and deposit accounts, capital invested in some assets mentioned above is not guaranteed as the value can go down as well as up.